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. Tuesday, August 2, 2011 // 2:57:00 AM Photobucket

是開始 又不對 對你所知道太少
是知己 亦不對 你太好的人緣 知己哪會缺少

如果你習慣 有備無患 只怕獨個晚餐
才想到讓我借用時間 借用完沒法還
如果破掉燈泡借燭光用一晚 是你是你大貪
大貪得竟攪錯我是哪種人 接吻就能合眼

是專心 又不對 你眼光總愛轉彎
是分心 亦不對 變了這種閒人 比不去愛更慘

Ha heart isnt make of glass, i will just take it as if i just got punched right in the chest. Its alright there will be bruises but hey its ok i am one strong girl it doesn't hurt at all. i got tiger balm medical plaster alrightz. :)