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. Monday, August 15, 2011 // 3:55:00 AM Photobucket

i hate it when humans are so narrow minded and can't accept any other things they don't like.
So what even if i wear Dracula outfit out, its my figging business so shut your crap and scam back to the moon.


. Friday, August 12, 2011 // 1:59:00 AM Photobucket

上分鐘 上一秒 你說心不再困擾
下分鐘 下一秒 你眼睛通紅似發燒

是開始 又不對 對你所知道太少
是知己 亦不對 你太好的人緣 知己哪會缺少

如果你習慣 有備無患 只怕獨個晚餐
才想到讓我借用時間 借用完沒法還
如果破掉燈泡借燭光用一晚 是你是你大貪
大貪得竟攪錯我是哪種人 接吻就能合眼

是專心 又不對 你眼光總愛轉彎
是分心 亦不對 變了這種閒人 比不去愛更慘

如果你習慣 有備無患 只怕獨個晚餐
才想到讓我借用時間 借用完沒法還
如果破掉燈泡借燭光用一晚 是你是你大貪

如果你習慣 有備無患 只怕獨個晚餐
才想到讓我借用時間 借用完沒法還
如果破掉燈泡借燭光用一晚 是你是你大貪
大貪得竟攪錯我是哪種人 接吻就能合眼

cause some evil concubine mocked my previous post and make me feel ashamed thus i shall push it down with a lot of cutsy photo of miao & woof. . Thursday, August 11, 2011 // 6:40:00 PM Photobucket

Things i want to do right now:

1) lurk behind a pillar
2) Wait for the perfect time
3) Dash out toward target avoiding obstacles like a ninja
4) Seize collar of target and scream SO YOU LIKE MEH NORT OI *shakes*.


btw i had a nightmare recently, its so scary T-T.
Babies are cute but i hate baby who attempt to kill my whole family.

I woke up in fright and when i fall asleep again, the demon baby is still there.
and its growing rapidly and crawling onto my bed....

*scratch walls AHHHH*

酒尽泪流 . Tuesday, August 9, 2011 // 11:07:00 PM Photobucket

下句即是 若君無意我不留

haha so messy but i love this~
Too bad my brush is missing, writing chinese letter with a toothpick is ....

by the way my classmate saw me typing in Chinese and he asked me, "so you're trying to learn Chinese now?".

HAHAHA 你姑奶奶我中文本来就好 OK.


wah . // 10:18:00 PM Photobucket


Your son's leg is injured. MINE TOO OK?.
so he can't walk now i had to go and help him to clear all his rubbish?.

just because i don't like to scream pain doesn't mean i don't feel it.

Either hire a maid or fuck off.

.... . Monday, August 8, 2011 // 11:59:00 AM Photobucket

整整三天 你才终于发现我受伤
停顿三秒 得到的就是无情


弄清了 你就是有病

人说血浓于水 亦不对 我俩无情可谈无亲可论

Aw . Saturday, August 6, 2011 // 3:05:00 AM Photobucket

AW my big bro is so nice,
Finally someone who shown true concern for my injury -_-.

He thought that i fell off a bike.
No bro no i fell down and that's it!.

The real cause of the injury is too embarrassing and unusual thus i decided not to breathe a word of it anymore.

How am i gonna explain to my mama and papa about this.
-_- argh.

Btw why everyoneeeeeeee think i am kidding when i told them about that incident. Angry man
Is it because i appear to be too nonchalant!?.

Gr i wouldn't disgrace the proud alien race by getting upset over small injury like this!!.
HAHAHHA but the pain is spreading like some virus i can't sleep now.

Oh hell.
Gonna work tomorrow too.

i wanna cry T^T

btw thanks for the ?????? cream bro!. :D
I shall pretend like i never see anything when you eat my nutella and milk bread!.

. Tuesday, August 2, 2011 // 2:57:00 AM Photobucket

是開始 又不對 對你所知道太少
是知己 亦不對 你太好的人緣 知己哪會缺少

如果你習慣 有備無患 只怕獨個晚餐
才想到讓我借用時間 借用完沒法還
如果破掉燈泡借燭光用一晚 是你是你大貪
大貪得竟攪錯我是哪種人 接吻就能合眼

是專心 又不對 你眼光總愛轉彎
是分心 亦不對 變了這種閒人 比不去愛更慘

Ha heart isnt make of glass, i will just take it as if i just got punched right in the chest. Its alright there will be bruises but hey its ok i am one strong girl it doesn't hurt at all. i got tiger balm medical plaster alrightz. :)

. // 12:13:00 AM Photobucket

There will always be someone who is prettier or uglier than you.
accept it and move on.

From now on i shall try to believe in and fall in love my own reflection.

dumdumdidum . Monday, August 1, 2011 // 2:24:00 PM Photobucket

Hey hello :).
I decided to escape from today's mind blasting problem and just come to blogger to vomit out nonsense.


Well well well, numeracy is just not my cup of tea.
as a prove, my ring finger is shorter than my index finger.

So...... i been busy skipping happily and dreamily into the prelude to destruction and despair. I need to like, halt...before i like, plunge into hell.


when did i get so sensitive and unsecured?.
Andyker you bad influence, by the way where did you disappeared to!?.

Btw i just realize that my bag has been getting heavier and heavier recently.
Containing all sort of rubbish. lots of tissues,hand sanitizer,hand cream and now i am trying to find a way to bring my toothbrush and toothpaste out.

Maybe i should find those travelling kit. HAHAHA

I despise